• Question: Do you have any fears?

    Asked by badger8 to Ben, Dave, Ed, Sam, Susana on 25 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: David Briggs

      David Briggs answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Of course!

      I don’t like spiders much, I am afraid of any harm coming to people I love, I am occasionally afraid of what the future might hold for my children – stuff like that.

    • Photo: Benjamin Hall

      Benjamin Hall answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Nothing in the usual sense, like heights or insects. I’m fine with all that stuff.

      I’m afraid of my parents’ health deteriorating with old age.

    • Photo: Sam Horrell

      Sam Horrell answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Just your average fear of falling, but who really likes falling anyway?

      Walking around the lab alone at night can be a little creepy, lots of weird noises and such that just sound more terrifiying when there’s nobody else around.

    • Photo: Susana Teixeira

      Susana Teixeira answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Sooooo many…. My major fear is of seeing those I love suffer, or die. It happened already and I can tell you nothing else matters in comparison.

      But I am also afraid of poisonous animals, violent people, loosing my job, snakes and animals with more feet than me, the dentist,… As a teacher I also fear not being clear or enthusiastic enough, I was lucky to have inspiring teachers myself and I aspire to be one too. I’d hate to feel I put a student off any science when in reality it is so magic 🙂
