DAY 4: Giant crystals, clicking joints and telescopes

At day 4 we’re nearly half way through the event. Hope you’re all chatting, asking and voting!

Today’s highlights in the Crystallography Zone:

  • Giant crystals:

What is the biggest crystal you have seen?

  • The progress of crystallography research…

finleye : is research progressing in the crystallography world

susanateixeira : Well, if I can find what is behind taste we can change the way we eat and make better use of our resources…. or if I can find what stopps potatoes and strawberries rotening we can stop crops going from waste.

  • Clicking joints:

shrinab : does clicking your joints help give you arthritis?

davidbriggs : No it doesn’t! Lots of people think it does but that’s not true! It might damage your tendons, but it won’t give you arthritis.

lozzaf : isn’t clicking your fingers just the air making a noise?

davidbriggs : clicking your fingers is, but crunching your knuckles is the tendons shifting in the joints.

  • And how the invention of the telescope has shaped the world…

If telescopes were never invented do you think the world would still be the same?


Posted on June 20, 2013 by in News. Leave a comment

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