• Question: What is “snow” on Venus made of?

    Asked by crouchingmurloc to Ben, Dave, Ed, Sam, Susana on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Ed Lowe

      Ed Lowe answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I believe the snow on Venus is thought to be made up of compounds of heavy metals which sublime in the hot lower atmosphere of Venus and condense again in the cooler upper atmosphere (much like water evaporates and condenses here on Earth). The favourite candidates for the composition of the “snow” are lead sulphide and bismuth sulphide, but I think this is based on calculations of what compounds would have the right sublimation and dielectric properties.

    • Photo: David Briggs

      David Briggs answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Like the clouds on Venus, the rain on Venus is made of sulphuric acid – however – the temperature on Venus is so high (~460ºC) that the rain evaporates before it ever reaches the ground.

    • Photo: Sam Horrell

      Sam Horrell answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      There’s snow on Venus? That’s awesome! I’ve got me some googling to do.
