• Question: What makes you different to any other scientist

    Asked by msfts4lifex to Susana on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Susana Teixeira

      Susana Teixeira answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Well, the fact that I am answering this question makes me different! In my opinion one of the biggest challenges of being a scientist is to manage our time, we tend to have crazy schedules.
      Often not easy to find the time to be involved in things like the Crystallography Zone and to talk to people of all ages and backgrounds, to try and explain what we do and who we are. So I am proud to have been chosen to talk to you, and am delighted to have pushed myself to make the time for this.
      In terms of my research, I am not the only person in the world doing crystallography with neutrons and X-rays but there aren’t many of us out there and none other speaks Portuguese!
