• Question: When is the world going to be so polluted, that it will be uninhabitable?

    Asked by allanacquah to Ben, Dave, Ed, Sam, Susana on 22 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Benjamin Hall

      Benjamin Hall answered on 22 Jun 2013:

      I’m not sure it will. Bacteria and certain species of insect are so resilient that I can’t imagine a level of pollution so high that they wouldn’t survive. The cause of the pollution (us) would die out before pollution levels got high enough to kill those things.

    • Photo: David Briggs

      David Briggs answered on 23 Jun 2013:

      Hopefully never!

      If we all work hard enough to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy and products, we can reduce the pollution created by a planet.

      It’s all down to the politicians – so as and when you get a chance to vote – vote for politicians who care about the environment!

    • Photo: Sam Horrell

      Sam Horrell answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      Lets hope it doesn’t come to that. There is a lot of money being put into environmental research to prevent any such thing happening. If anything, global warming and the flooding that would result from the polar ice caps melting is more likely to make places uninhabitable before some sort of poisonus gas takes over our environment.
