• Question: When People Use The Expresstion Bone Dry Are Our Bones Dry ?

    Asked by gonegaming to Ben, Dave, Ed, Sam, Susana on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: David Briggs

      David Briggs answered on 19 Jun 2013:


      Bones are (like the rest of us) surrounded by fluid – either blood or something we call “interstitial fluid” – the fluid that surrounds cells.

    • Photo: Benjamin Hall

      Benjamin Hall answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      No, our bones are not dry and actually contain living cells!

      They also have blood vessels running through them like the rest of our bodies.

      I don’t know why but I have this strange voice telling me the expression originates from travellers seeing the carcasses of dead animals in deserts. The bones would then be very dry, and probably free of meat after being picked over by vultures.

      That could be something I’ve just made up in my own head now though…

    • Photo: Sam Horrell

      Sam Horrell answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I think you’re about the bones in the desert Ben. Strange how these phrases pop up and we just never think about where they come from.

    • Photo: Susana Teixeira

      Susana Teixeira answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Our bones are not dry at all, and in fact the water is important for bone structure.
