• Question: Why is there different elements?

    Asked by abbs to Dave on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: David Briggs

      David Briggs answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      The particles that come together to make elements (neutrons, protons, electrons) can join together in thousands and thousands of different ways – some of these ways are stable, and these are the elements.

      In order to make these elements, really REALLY high temperatures and pressures are needed – in nature, these temperatures and pressures are generally only found in dying or exploding stars – only Hydrogen was made in the big bang – but all the other atoms in your body, the Carbon, the Oxygen you breath was made in a dying star – so you are made of star stuff.

      Better still, if you have anything made of heavy elements, like Gold, silver or platinum, these can only be made in the hearts of the really really big stars – so my wedding ring was basically made in the heart of one of the biggest explosions that we know can happen in the universe. Cool huh?
